What are your dreams trying to tell you?

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I am inspired to write about the magical and mystical topic of Dreams! I have always been a vivid dreamer, remembering up to five dreams a night and feeling gobsmacked at what the heck it all meant. I remember being very young and feeling a connection to my dreams but not understanding how to go further to connect to the underlying communication. Intuitiveness was poking it’s lovely head but I would need to bask in many more years of intuitive growth before I would pay closer attention and make that connection.

Dreams are a gateway for our subconscious to speak to us while we slumber. Communication from our Guides, our Soul and anyone else from our Spirit Team Squad can come through with messages and signs but they aren’t always clear as crystals! It really can all be very confusing and you may awake thinking that your dream was just a bunch of mumbo jumbo with no remote possibility of anything meaningful and well, that actually may just have some truth to it…dreams are also a great place for those in Spirit to drop in and pay a visit to you. Have you ever awoke from a dream where your loved one has appeared and it felt so very real? This is your loved one trying to tell you how much they love you and that they are doing well on another Spiritual realm, doing what they need to do in order to fulfill their own soul work mission. They want you to feel comforted knowing that they will always be with you, supporting you on your own soul path.

Paying attention to symbols is also something that I have found to be very interesting. Did you know that if you dream of balloons it could mean prosperity and success in life? Going even further, if there are dots around the balloon it represents financial success. Dreaming of an elephant represents good health and possibly a good time to start a new business! Dreaming of lemons? Perhaps a situation that you are in has turned sour. I myself have been dreaming of spiders (ew I know) but they represent rewards for hard work! I’ll take that!

Clueing into colors in your dreams are also a great way to understand the energies that are present around you. Let’s look at the color red. Red has a number of different interpretations as it could represent anger so performing an inner check to see if there is a source of hostility that exists anywhere in your present energetic field is a great way to gage the true meaning. Alternatively the color red could represent healing, indicating that our passion for life has returned after a challenging period of low vibrational energies. Orange can represent balance as it encompasses the passion of red and the intelligence of the color yellow. Orange can also represent positive growth as it is a fantastic positive color. It symbolizes the color of the sun bringing in creativity and growth. Capture purple in your dreams and it could represent wealth, spirituality or originality. For more dream color representations visit https://exemplore.com/dreams/Dream-in-Color-The-Meaning-of-Different-Colors-in-Dreams.

Let’s look at ways to receive messages from our dreams:

  • Before going to sleep at night make it a ritual to ask your Spirit Team to help you remember your dreams. Putting this intention out to your Spirit support team will strengthen the ask.

  • Invite your loved ones into your dreams! Let them know that you are ready to receive signs and messages. They will be over the moon happy to hear this!

  • Keep a journal and a pen handy by your bedside to jot down anything that you can capture from your dream. Do not feel silly writing down the smallest feature as this will one day all tie together with other signs and symbols extracted from future dreams.

Sweet dreams!


The Essence of Herbs