The Essence of Herbs

Rosemary, sage, mint, thyme…all very flavorful additions to our palettes and so picturesque and lovely to look at in an herb box perched on your window sill but my discovery of herbs has intrigued me to the level of wanting to share some other herbal facts with you that might have you thinking out of your herb box.

Let’s talk tea…nourishes the soul and great to sip while diving into a good book all snuggled up on your favorite chair but are you aware of the incredible preventative properties herbs provide for a wide variety of illnesses and conditions? Store bought liver flushes are great but can be a little invasive so alternatively creating a gentle brew with dandelion root cleanses the liver of toxins while providing a significant amount of nutrients. Dealing with a stubborn cough or sore throat? Thyme is a wonderful preventative when you feel “off” or in the midst of a cold. There are so many DIY herbal tea recipes and blends available at your finger tips. Just be aware of herbs already packaged in tea bags as many contain the dust and fannings from broken tea leaves resulting in a more bitter brew. Loose leaf herbs are widely available in your local Health store and recommended to provide a more organic brew experience. Note that not all herbs are edible and I recommend you do your homework before ingesting any herb as some are only used for topical or other uses.

Sage…delicately fried it makes a tasty topper for a bowl of butternut squash soup but while you’re at it why not put some aside to purify and cleanse the energy around your home! Smudging, the practice of clearing unwanted energy (in Huna we call this low vibrational energy) is far from being a new practice as it traces back thousands of years through many different cultures. Simply take a bundle of sage (the biggest leaves and stalks are the best), tie it with cotton twine by crisscrossing all the way up the stalk then back down and finally knotting it at the base. Now hang it in somewhere to dry. I would recommend drying it indoors as leaving it to dry outdoors could invite some unwanted dew. You can smudge a person or yourself (who doesn’t need their energy refreshed every so often) or a space and performing a little ritual is always a nice touch, paying respect to the energy leaving and the new energy you’ve invited in. If a ritual is up your alley think of the four universal elements being water, earth, fire and air. The vessel represents the water, the plant symbolizes the earth, the action of igniting the plant symbolizes the fire and the smoke symbolizes the air. When the flame is blown out the smoke is used to waft over the body or space with your hands, or feather if you’re feeling it, and saying your intention about saying goodbye to the energies that are no longer serving you or the space while graciously accepting the new energies in with gratitude is a great way to enhance the experience.

Mint…from the Latin word mentha meaning “thought”. It is called the flower of eternal refreshment. I love to tear the leaves and steep in hot water if I’m feeling a need to be soothed. Mint is known for it’s anti-inflammatory, digestion, headache relief and a sweat inducer when fevers are present speeding up the recovery process. If awakening your mind and tuning into your higher power interests you, follow the smudging process described above by either using only mint or adding it to your sage bundle and you will reap the spiritual benefits of an even deeper cleansing and energy renewal.

I’ve left my favorite herb for last..rosemary. The herb of remembrance. Dating back to 500 b.c., the Romans and Greeks used rosemary to both cook with and for helping to cure various illnesses. Applying rosemary topically supports healing in most skin diseases and helps to clear brain fog. My most favorite property of the beloved rosemary is how it supports anxiety and stress. Clip off a twig of rosemary, place it in a protective pouch and carry it with you for times when emotional upheaval surfaces. Simply holding it to your nose and breathing in the aroma instantly calms the nervous system by reducing the stress hormone cortisol. Keep a small potted rosemary plant on your office desk for a quick reach when you need to re-center and re-ground or need a mid-afternoon brain boost.

Edible, smokable, steeped for a soothing cup of tea and pressed into oils for medicinal and fragrance purposes, herbs have enlightened us, cured us and delighted us by allowing our paletes to dance and our bodies to heal since the beginning of time.

Whether brewed or ignited, herbs for me provide a cleansing ritual to my everyday spiritual practice in both my internal and external world.

Grab your favorite plant pot or window box and get creative with your choice of herbs! The abundance of benefits to your body, mind and Spirit will be endless!


Sitting In The Seat Of Awareness


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